
About Subdivision Experts

Flynn Subdivision Experts are a development management and subdivision consultancy focusing on infill property development and education services in Western Australia.

Online Due Diligence Tutorial (Free)

A complimentary online tutorial on using the STASH property platform This complimentary online tutorial is about how to use the STASH property platform in your property development endeavors to: help source off market properties for development research property development sites on the market analyse a sites value and relevant [...]

2024 Perth property market predictions

Property developers in Western Australia in for a good year. Coming into the start of 2024, the Perth property market is well placed for an exceptional year of growth, and it seems it’s going to be a less turbulent place to be developing, building and subdividing. When the numbers came in at [...]

By |2024-02-20T08:58:31+08:00January 15th, 2024|Property Development|

How to Develop Property Successfully in Western Australia

Professional perspectives to help you with getting started in property development in WA. What a year 2023 has been so far for Perth property development, and what a good time it is to prepare for a big 2024. This article is a reflective piece about how to develop property successfully in Western [...]

Money Talk with Troy June 2023

Today's post covers some quite disparate topics that have no common theme, hence the quote from the Walrus and the Carpenter by Lewis Carol. Is the world we live in Alice’s wonderland? Well yes and no. Where to start? 'Begin at the beginning, the King said, very gravely, and go on [...]

By |2023-06-21T06:45:12+08:00June 21st, 2023|Subdivision Costs|

Medium Density Codes of WA

Lots to learn about the threats and opportunities for developers in the new state planning policy framework for Western Australia. On the 1st of April 2023, 14 individuals commenced their education on the incoming medium density planning framework in WA. In a hands on, practical workshop environment, followed by 3 [...]

By |2024-04-08T04:25:02+08:00May 19th, 2023|Property Development, R-Codes|

Perth Property Market Predictions for 2023

After what seems to have been a protracted break for everyone in Western Australia over the festive season, we are now all back at the wheel of our business and personal endeavours. A quick survey of the state of affairs brings us to prepare our Perth property market predictions for 2023, based [...]

Money Talk with Troy

Wanted: Persons 25-52y/o for the purpose of being unemployed, watching tv, drinking beer, must have own thongs, no experience necessary. I get a lot of articles across my desk and with increasing regularity, they tend to be about the impending financial crisis. I try not to read them as they have [...]

2022 Review – Western Australian Property Developers

A Big Farewell to 2022: A Western Australian Property Developers Year in Review How we have saved the bottom line with Medium Density Developments in the post Covid frenzy. It is no secret that its currently an incredibly tough time to develop property out there. There has never been higher demand for [...]

Property Development Forecast in WA with Rising Interest Rates

General consumer confidence has really gotten a rattle at the moment, and its creeping into the property market all over Australia. The recent Interest rate rises are front and centre of people’s minds, and the knowledge that there is more to come. Cost of living is rising sharply, with CPI rising [...]

New Medium Density Codes of Western Australia – Policy Update Bulletin

What impact are the new regulations going to have your development? The new medium density codes were due for rollout in Western Australia in 2021. After considerable consultation and significant concern during community consultation however, and some reshuffling of priorities in the department of planning's agenda, the rollout was pushed back [...]

Subdividing Land and Building: Strategy Focus

Subdividing Land and Building in Western Australia Subdividing land and building new dwellings will continue to play an important role in providing housing opportunities for the states growing population. In this article we will explore why, from a planning perspective and development economics perspective. Whether you’re subdividing one block into two [...]

How to Make Money Subdividing Property

How to Make Money Subdividing Property in Western Australia Five tips to maximise your profits by developing and subdividing land. As subdivision and property development consultants, we have a lot of people asking us how to make money subdividing property in Western Australia. How do we maximise our returns? What makes [...]

Perth Property Market Predictions 2019

The McGowan Government’s announcement early this month that it will lift Keystart loans by more than $400 million to stimulate housing demand is good news for subdivision in the Perth property market. The stimulus package, aimed at lower-income earners, is particularly relevant in WA as nearly 80% of Keystart loans in [...]

By |2019-12-10T14:54:18+08:00December 17th, 2018|Property Development|

Using Granny Flats: WA Developer Tips

Incorporating Special Purpose Dwellings into Subdivisions The Residential Design Codes of Western Australia has a specific (and mostly unknown) section devoted to the provision of special purpose dwellings in residentially coded areas of the community. These are; Ancillary dwellings (can be granny flats in WA, in this instance they are not [...]

The Subdivision Cost Calculator

The Subdivision Cost Calculator: Is my Project Worth It? Do you know how accurately calculate subdivision costs and your projects viably? Do you know what residual land value is? You need to become an expert subdivision cost calculator to ensure your developments are profitable, and that means understanding how to compile [...]

R20/40 Zoning Definition

Dual density zoning, what does it mean for you? There seems to be a lot of confusion and misinformation around dual density coding in Western Australia. This is amongst novice and experience developers alike- they are often getting the wrong advice and information, either from selling agents, colleagues or through their [...]

By |2021-11-22T19:28:06+08:00April 18th, 2018|R-Codes, Subdivision|

Bushfire Prone Areas for Subdivisions

Subdividing in Bushfire Prone Areas of WA Subdividing rural land, or subdividing land in bushfire prone areas, is becoming increasingly common in Western Australia. Many people are finding themselves in the position of having to jump through extra planning hoops in the process. Councils have infill targets that they need to [...]

Corner Block Subdivision in West Australia

Do you own a potential corner block subdivision? Corner block subdivision has become a hot topic in western Australia. Some important State Planning Policy changes have been gazetted by way of Development Control Policy 2.2 (DC2.2). In particular, they will affect the subdivision potential of corner lots in suburbs across the [...]

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